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Korean Seafoods

K·FISH is a Korean fishery exports national brand for safe and high quality Korean fishery products that have passed the strict evaluation standards of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF). Qualifying for the K·FISH brand is not an easy process. Korean seafood has to pass stringent tests to become K·FISH, a qualification process that requires meticulous procedures and thorough management processes.

The Korean government applies the rigorous and strict requirements for the usage of the K·FISH name to ensure that consumers worldwide identify this brand as a premium seafood product.

Korea is surrounded by three seas, each with distinct characteristics. In the east, where warm and cold currents converge, the deep open waters, with an average depth of 1,700m, are teeming with plankton. In the West, the shallow sea with an average depth of 44m and vast tidal plats is abundant with nutrients, making it an ideal spawning ground for marine life. And in the south, a pollution-free sea with more than 2,000 islands has the perfect conditions for fish farming. These sees are the reason why Korea is known to have some of the best marine biodiversity in the world.

Korean Premium Seafood

  • Health and Happiness from the Ocean

Rich Seas of Korea

Four distinct seasons meet cold and warm currents in the Korean seas, known or rich fishing grounds that are home to a great diversity of fish.

The large intertidal changes of Korea’s natural mud flats have result in high levels of organic matter, creating optimal living conditions for marine life.

Eco-friendly Technology for Korean Seafood!

Korean seafood offer maximum reliability to consumers through a quality control system consisting of HACCP, ISO and other certifications.

Korean aquaculture is an eco-friendly combination of natural technologies sourced from sunlight, wind, and the sea with science and technology achieved through national research and development.

Korean Cuisine in the World!

The dishes enjoyed by kings throughout Korean history are riding the Korean wave to captivate palates around the world.

Korean cuisine, embodying five thousand years of history and wisdom, works together with the sea to present fresh, wholesome flavors.

Korean seafood are communicating with the world through seafood exhibitions where buyers from around the world come together.